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Soto Pocket Torch – Turn Cheap Lighter Into Torch
By Editor | April 22, 2010
Going camping somewhere windy? How about somewhere humid that rains cats and dogs?
No worries, the Soto Pocket Torch will spark a strong flame that will light your campfire or stove with ease and 99% of the time.
How does it work? Place a cheap plastic lighter, the kind you buy at convenience stores into the Soto Pocket Torch housing and it becomes a compact blowtorch with a hot blue flame. The flame can be used to start campfires and stoves even in wet raining conditions and high wind environments.
Keep in mind that the Soto Pocket Torch works with the common type of lighters (see picture) not the Bic type. Aside from many sure you have the right type of lighter, this Soto device is an amazing piece of outdoor gear that all adventurers should not do without.
Price: $20 Weight: 3 oz.
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