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The North Face Minibus 23 – Spacious 2 Person Tent
By Editor | April 22, 2010
The North Face Minibus 23 two person tent is one of the roomiest tent around. The walls are vertical thanks to 2 hoops that are parallel and connects perpendicularly to a pole, very smart design by North Face tent engineers.
There is 23 square feet of vestibule space, two doors, some stash pockets, glow in the dark zipper handles and a large window to check what is going on outside of the tent. What is cool about the vestibule is that the stash pocket from inside the tent can be accessed from the vestibule as well. So essentially, if it feels to cold outside, you can pass objects to the inside of the tent by putting the object into the stash pocket through the vestibule without losing too much heat from inside the tent. This beats opening one of the doors.
The North Face Minibus 23 weighs in at 6.2 lbs, a little on the heavy side for a 2 person tent, however it was designed with the emphasis on base camp use. In total the floor space is 35 square feet which is very roomy, and it can comfortably sleep 3 people and accomodate 5 people sitting in a circle shooting the breeze.
Price: $389 Weight: 6.2 lbs
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