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Scarpa Zero Gravity 20 Hiking Boots

By Editor | March 3, 2009

Scarpa Zero Gravity 20 Hiking Boots

The Scarpa Zero Gravity 20 hiking boots takes the fit and performance features from Scarpa’s latest mountaineering boots (particularly the Freney XT and Cumbre) and puts them in a lightweight backpacking model. The most notable feature is an ankle design that allows full rotation instead of the usual castlike support. This actually lets you move more naturally over rough terrain, providing surer footing and transferring less stress to your knees and hips. The boot comes in a Gore- Tex or non-Gore- Tex version.

Keep in mind that the flexible ankle design may feel weak in the store., but it really works. The Scarpa Zero Gravity 20 Hiking Boots is best suited to Avid backpackers seeking a serious boot that will take them from trailside lake to summit for years to come.

Weight: 1.3 kg, 2.8Ibs Price: $240

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