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SteriPEN Freedom – Great Way To Sterilize Water In The Wild
By Editor | March 6, 2012
Compared to previous models of SteriPEN the Freedom model is smaller by an inch, lighter by an ounce and is a easy way to kill bacteria and viruses in lake, stream and rain water for your outdoor excursions.
One great feature about the SteriPEN Freedom is that fact that the rechargeable battery can be charged many ways. You can charge the SteriPEN Freedom with the standard wall outlet or by USB cable. The USB charging
option is good because you can by many solar battery packs that has USB port.
Once fully charged, the SteriPEN can last up to 5 full days. To sterilize the water just dip the SteriPEN Freedom into your water bottle, it will automatically activate and stir for about a minute and when the green light on it lights up the water in your bottle is good to drink. The SteriPEN Freedom can treat up to a liter of water at a time.
It is best to use the SteriPEN with a wide-mouth water bottle.
Rechargeable Handheld UV Water Purifier
Smallest and lightest SteriPEN purifier, only 5.1 long and 2.6 oz.
Destroys viruses, bacteria & protozoa (giardia) that could make you sick.
Price: $120
Weight: 2.5 oz
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