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Women In The Wild – Hard-Earned Tips For Female Backpackers
By Editor | July 22, 2008
Whether you grew up climbing trees or playing princess, Melissa Gray wants you to know that the wilderness is an equalopportunity destination. As cofounder of the Wilderness Medicine Institute at NOLS, Gray has seen both genders at their rawest worst outside. And she’s tired of stereotypes that paint female adventurers as weaker and less ambitious. “The only difference I’ve seen,” she says, “is that hygiene is more complicated for women.” Here’s her advice on these and other issues.
- Be prepared Women on long trips are vulnerable to urinary tract infections and vaginitis, so pack wet wipes and use one a day.
- Pad your supply With exertion of hiking, some women notice menstrual changes. But these could be positive changes-lighter flow, less pain. Increase your normal supply of pads and/or tampons if you expect your period, and pack a few even if you’re not. And don’t worry about bears; Gray says there’s no proof they seek out menstruating women.
- Pick the right partner Too often, women choose to hike with other women because they assume they’ll share the same goals. But Gray says she’s seen plenty of hell-bent female peakbaggers. Choose a partner based on trip goals, endurance levels, and, of course, safety-not gender.
- Step right up “There’s no research to show that men can carry a higher portion of their body weight or have more endurance in the backcountry,” says Gray. If your boyfriend wants to lug extra weight, let him, but don’t give any guy first crack at a boulder problem or the navigator’s mantle just because you’re female. You’ll enjoy your trip more if you insist on leading when your skills support it.
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