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EMS Eclipse 2 – Two (2) Person Single-Wall Tent
By Editor | March 23, 2008
The EMS Eclipse 2 is a two person single wall tent that is free standing and it weighs less than 5 pounds for a price that is below $200 USD. All that and you get ample amount of elbow room, weather shedding qualities which can make the EMS Eclipse 2 suitable for light winter use in additional to the other seasons of course.
Big clips are easy to operate even with bulky gloves and the ceiling juts out 47 inches, which makes days in the tents more bearable and the 28 square-foot vestibule easily swallows the piles of your outdoor gear you lugged for the trip. Condensation is a minor issue, which is common with single-walls. Overall, the EMS Eclipse 2 single-wall tent is a great value for the money.
Price: $189 USD Weight: 4 lbs. 14 oz.
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