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Banff National Park, Calgary, Canada
By Editor | January 31, 2008
Banff National Park is one the best wilderness areas. To get there from Calgary, just take the Trans-Canada HWY West about 200 kilometers or 125 miles until you get to HWY 93. Then you go 27 km or 17 miles north to marked Banff National Park parking lot where the hiking trails start.
A great hike to do, is the trail up to Helen Lake, it is one of the most beautiful hikes you can do in the Rockies. This trail bends and climbs east from HWY 93 over top of the Crowfoot Glacier and Bow Lake. You should soak in the view of the yellow glaciers and the small streams every step of this 6 km or 3.75 mile hike.
Helen Lake is a small lake the size of the 2 football fields and is absolutely gorgeous view when taking it in with the surrounding scenery.
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