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LifeStraw Portable Water Filter – Drink Dirty Water On The Go
By Editor | May 20, 2013
Lifespan – Filters at least 1,000 liters of water
Removes up to:
- 99.99999 percent of waterborne bacteria
- 99.9 percent of waterborne protozoan cysts
- Reduces turbidity by filtering particles of approximately 0.2 microns
- Contains no chemicals
Place your LifeStraw® in water and sip through the mouthpiece.
Regularly blow through your LifeStraw® after drinking to keep the filters clean and to prevent them from clogging.
Safety Instructions
- Do not use LifeStraw® if visible damage is noted.
- Do not attempt to replace damaged or missing parts.
- Do not use of the LifeStraw® with dirty and bacteria-contaminated hands
- Do not place LifeStraw® in a mouth contaminated with bacteria water
- Do not use of the LifeStraw® in a dense coliform environment
- Failure to maintain a sterile mouthpiece on the LifeStraw®
- Exposure to extreme heat or freezing temperatures
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