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Columbia Sportswear Solar Polar Half Zip Shirt – Moisture Wicking Sun Protection
By Editor | March 30, 2012
The Columbia Solar Polar half zip shirt will not feel sweaty against your skin when you are out hiking on a nice sunny day. It is made of flat polyester yarns to help transfer the sweat and evaporate it quicker from your skin through the fabric and out into the air.
The secret to the fast moisture wicking properties is in the flat polyester that has larger surface area touching your skin. Even if the weather is hot at over 30 degrees celsius or 80 degrees farenheit you will still feel comfortable. However if you do get too hot, there is always the 14-inch zipper in front to unzip and let more steam out.
The great feature with the Columbia Solar Polar half zip shirt is that you do not have to worry about sun burn through your clothes, it has a UPF rating of 50.
Price: $70
Weight: 5 oz
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