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The North Face Blue Kazoo Sleeping Bag
By Editor | July 28, 2011
The North Face Blue Kazoo is a 650-fill down sleeping bag and boy does this bag keep you warm. During really cool summer nights or extremely cold fall overnights the Blue Kazoo from The North Face will definitely keep you feeling toasty. Sometimes it gets so warm that you may need to open the zippers wide to regulate your body temperature.
A good design feature is that there are well placed baffles in the neck, zipper and hood area to help trap the heat and the foot box made anatomically.
Once you are done with the Blue Kazoo you can stuff sack that has glow in the dark zippers handles so you won’t ever loose the stuff sack in the dark.
Overall this North Face Blue Kazoo sleeping bag is good for all seasons of camping or outdoor excursions.
Temp Rating: -9 degress celcius
Weight: 1.6 Lbs or 750 grams
Price: $250
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