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Leatherman Juice S2 Multi-tool Review
By Editor | March 26, 2011
The Leatherman Juice S2 multi-tool is feature rich and what you need when you are needing to open a can or cut something. It has a scissor, 2.5 inch knife blade, bottle opener, corkscrew, pliers and more. See specs below.
All the tools are tucked in a bomber stainless steel anodized aluminum package.
* 420HC Clip Point Knife
* Needlenose Pliers
* Regular Pliers
* Wire Cutters
* Hard-wire Cutters
* Extra-small Screwdriver
* Small Screwdriver
* Medium/Large Screwdriver
* Phillips Screwdriver
* Scissors
* Bottle Opener
* Can Opener
* Stainless Steel with Anodized Aluminum Handle Scales
* Stainless Steel Body
* Outside-accessible Tools and Knife
* Fixed Lanyard Ring
* Available Colors: “Flame” Orange and “Storm” Gray
* Polycarbonate or Leather Case Sold Separately
* 25-year Warranty
* 3.25 in | 8.25 cm (closed)
* 4.4 0z | 125 g
* 2.6 in | 6.60 cm (blade length)
Price: $35
Weight: 4.4 oz
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