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Mountain Hardwear Bazuka Winter Gloves – Waterproof / Breathable
By Editor | January 15, 2011
The Bazuka winter glove from Mountain Hardware is extremely waterproof…the reason is because the proprietary OutDry waterproof-breathable material is fused with glue to the inside of the shell of the Bazuka glove.
In short these are the best waterproof gloves on the market today because water or moisture simply can’t get in the gloves shell. Not only do the Bazuka glove keep water out, it also keeps your hands warm and dry while providing good finger mobility allowing you to do many things you normally would without gloves.
The non-bulky, very waterproof Mountain Hardwear Bazuka winter gloves are ideal for many winter activities such as skiing, snowboarding and more.
Price: $170
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