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Sierra Designs Cochise 15 – Sleeping Bag
By Editor | June 13, 2010
The Sierra Designs Cochise 15 sleeping bag made to stretch with the person inside the sleeping bag which makes it ideal for people who do not like tight fitting sleeping space, perfect for the claustrophobic person. This is a 15-degree bag with synthetic fill and has elastic fabric which allows free movement inside the sleeping bag.
The great thing about the Sierra Designs Cochise 15 is the fact that after you finally stop moving within the sleeping bag and you’ve dosed off, the bag’s stretchy fabric will hug your body and insulate you keeping the heat against your body, rather than losing heat like other sleeping bags that leaves spaces.
The Cochise 15 also features tough 50-denier fabric and other nifty things like a pocket on the inside, string leash to keep your Sierra Designs sleeping bag from sliding off the foam mat.
The Sierra Design sleeping bag weighs in at 3.5 lbs which is not bad, however because of the fabric type the bag does feel quite bulky.
Price: $159 Rate: 15 degrees
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