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END Stumptown LT – A Hiking Shoe Made of Recycled Material
By Editor | February 22, 2010
The majority END Stumptown LT hiker shoe is made of recycled material which is a good thing for our environment. For a quick trip into the woods, backpackers would appreciate the weight of this trail shoe at just 11 ounces. The END Stumptown LT offers good lateral support and a deep, tight fitting heel pocket which should be a consideration when comparing the Stumptown LT to trail running shoes.
The Stumptown LT features deep jagged outsole so on slippery surfaces you can get a decent grip, however although the END Stumptown LT is a 3/4 height shoe it does not offer enough support for backpacking with a heavy pack, it is a hiking shoe more likely for quick excursions through the woods with light gear.
Price: $90 Weight: 11 oz
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