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APEX – Ski Comfortable Boot
By Editor | December 30, 2009
Many ski boot manufacturers have been trying for years to create the ultimate comfortable ski boot, where the ski boot is stiff enough and performs very well on the slopes, yet when you need to walk in them they will be comfortable and less clumsy to walk in.
The APEX ski boot made by the APEX SPORTS GROUP is just one of those ski boot manufacturers that have seem to get it right. This boot has a custom-moldable inner liner which is also a boot, this means you can wear it around. When paired with the carbon-fiber chassis and cuff, the APEX becomes a ski boot and can carve the slopes just like any other moderately stiff ski boot.
Price: $1295.00
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Topics: Apparel, Boots, Equipment, Fall and Winter, Footwear, Outdoor Gear Reviews, Winter Outdoor Equipment | 242 Comments »