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Helly Hansen Odin Patrol Jacket – Ski Shell Jacket
By Editor | November 24, 2009
The Helly Hansen Odin Patrol is an uninsulated shell type jacket. It is waterproof breathable and has been developed with the input of actual ski patrol professionals both across Europe and North America. Chris Davenport the popular ski mountaineer then tested field tested the Odin jacket for Helly Hansen.
With Kevlar and TPU enforced panels on the shoulders and waist area, it is a great jacket for carrying loads / backpacks. The Odin jacket is also with the high energy person explorer in mind with a radio strap on the chest and forearm pockets for small items like cell phone and energy bards.
The Helly Hansen Odin jacket is a very breathable, but at the same time protects you well from the elements, no precipitation is geting in…that is for sure.
Price: $600 Weight: 1.7 lbs
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