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Greenbrier River Trail, West Virginal
By Editor | July 6, 2009
The 77-mile Greenbrier Trail hugs its namesake river, following the former C&O Railway through some of the most rugged and spectacular country east of the Mississippi. Here in the heart of Appalachia, steep 4,000-foot peaks watch over old logging towns, black bears, and eight rivers.
Start in Seebert and head northeast toward Marlinton, crossing 11 trestles and slicing through chilly old hollows and dark, rolling, deciduous forest At milepost 48, look upstream and walk 0.1 mile to the first gated drive on the right Just beyond, find the ruins of the abandoned town of Wataga; the rusty door of the old bank safe still swings on its hinges. Spot cranes and wild turkeys on the remaining 8 miles. You can arrange a shuttle with Appalachian Sport (304-799-4050).
For a place to stay, you can bunk at the Old Clark Inn in Marlinton, a former boardinghouse for soot-covered railroaders that’s now a quaint Bed and Breakfast with a hot tub.
How to get there:
To hike and roam the wild allegheny hollows , from Charleston, take 1-64 S to Lewisburg, then WV 219 N to WV 27 (Seebert Rd.).
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