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RedFeather Stride Snow Shoes For Women
By Editor | January 19, 2009
Women will love this gender-specific shoe’s dependable performance and friendly price.Designed specifically for female hikers, this snowshoe has a slim profile to better match the narrower stride that is characteristic of most women. It also has an aggressively tapered tail that eliminates crossover (when one snowshoe steps on the tail of the other) and does away with the bowlegged feeling that often comes from wearing oversized snowshoes. The binding consists of a trio of quick-release over-the-foot straps, plus one around the heel; the combination makes for a snug, slip-free fit.
After a long trek testers praised the binding and the overall performance of the Stride, but noted that the traction was a little soft, especially in the tail section. The slipping we experienced on steeper, slicker trails makes these snowshoes best suited for gentle terrain.
Price: $189 USD (21″), $199 (25″) Weight: 3 Ibs. 2 oz. (25″)
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