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Buying, Care and Maintenance Tips For HardShell Jackets
By Editor | October 24, 2008
If you mostly wear your shell in the winter for skiing and staying dry in town, choose a heavyweight laminate like Gortex XCR for its weather protection and durability. For hiking in summer rain, go as light as you can, price-and comfort-wise, as you’ll be more likely to pack it and less likely to be tent-bound by a little rain. Lightweight shells don’t mix, well with rock and ice, so skiers and climbers should be prepared to buy a hardshell.
Remember Wash your shell often to keep it performing at its best, but don’t just toss it in with your laundry. Instead, machine wash on its own with a mild detergent and rinse it well-s-at least two cycles. Tumble dry on warm to rejuvenate the DWR coating.
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