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Wild Bear Dangers – Bear Safety in the Outdoors
By Editor | May 18, 2008
Bears are like Green Berets you admire them from afar, but don’t want to hang with them when they’re pissed. With 650,000 bears roaming North America, you’re almost guaranteed to encounter one while hiking sooner or later. Most likely it will be a black bear-this species is found in 42 states and is 50 times more common than the grizzly bears.
Here are some signs of trouble to look for.
Always steer clear of an adult with a cub. Bears will aggressively protect their young.
If you see a carcass on the trail, move upwind of it, leaving a wide berth. Bears often guard food for days.
They’re unmistakable, but also learn to ID and keep an eye out for droppings, digging sites, scratching posts (trees with bark ripped off), and prime berry patches (particularly in river valleys).
Time of Day
Bruins are most active before dawn and after dusk. In bear country, it’s a smarter idea to hike during daylight hours.
While a bear standing on hind legs may simply be curious, beware one with its ears laid back and hackles raised. An aggressive bear may move from side to side, stomp its feet, emit threatening “woofs,” or gnash its teeth, producing a popping sound.
A breeze in your face as you hike carries your scent away from a bear that may be ahead of you. To prevent unwanted surprises, make plenty of noise and travel in a close group.
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